Advanced Imaging course - UniFR

The Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC) collaborates with the Bioimage Core Facility of the Department of Biology and the Section of Medicine of the University of Fribourg. The course Advanced Imaging - Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is open for PhD students of the Cutting Edge Microscopy specialization program.
Fluorescence microscopy has become the preferred imaging tool for biological systems due to its capability to visualize specifically the target biomolecules under conditions compatible with life, like room temperature, liquid environment and irradiation with visible light. Fluorescence microscopy also provides very high sensitivity down to the detection of single molecules. As drawback, as it happens with any a far-field optical technique, the spatial resolution is limited by the wavelength of light to a few hundreds of nanometres (the so-called diffraction limit). Remarkably, in the mid 2000s, a series of imaging methods using fluorescence readout were developed that deliver images with resolution beyond the diffraction limit. These methods, called super-resolution fluorescence microscopy or far-field fluorescence nanoscopy and whose pioneers were awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014, have revolutionized biological imaging and continued to be developed until the present day.
Detailed information are to be found on ILIAS here. KSL: 482916