EMBL Imaging Center (EIC) Imaging Symposium

The EMBL Imaging Centre (EIC) User Symposium (https://www.embl.org/about/info/imaging-centre/32247-2/) was held on October 17-18, 2024, at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. This event brought together around 60 current and prospective users of EIC (https://www.embl.org/about/info/imaging-centre/), along with leading experts in electron and light microscopy.
The symposium was preceded by workshops from Leica and Zeiss, where both companies showcased their latest products and services. Following the workshops, participants engaged in an extensive two-day scientific program. Sessions on light and electron microscopy featured presentations from field experts and EIC users, who shared insights from their research. Additionally, a short-talk session provided attendees with information about the services offered by the EIC and its future plans.
The symposium also served as an excellent networking platform for microscopy enthusiasts from various research institutes in Europe. During a panel discussion moderated by Simone Mattei and Timo Zimmermann (team leaders of electron and light microscopy at the EIC, respectively), participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences using the EIC’s services. Yury Belyaev from MIC also attended the meeting.
Researchers from the University of Bern can access the services of the EMBL Imaging Centre, as Switzerland is a member state of EMBL. Those interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should reach out via email at ic-contact@embl.de.