MIC Research Day 2022
On June 29, 2022, more than 100 participants from the University of Bern, mostly the MIC members and active MIC users, attended the traditional MIC Day that took place at UniS. The program of the MIC Day was well balanced with presentations by MIC users and members from all three Faculties of the MIC (Vetsuisse, Natural sciences and Medicine) as well as a representative of the University of Fribourg.
Nine speakers presented their research projects related to microscopy in 20 minutes talks. Among them, Boris Egger from the BioImage Core Facility of the University of Fribourg presented his own microscopy-based research on hypoxia in Drosophila brain as well as the equipment available in the facility, and David Haberthür from the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Bern offered a tour of projects carried out with micro-CT imaging on a variety of samples from horse hooves to human teeth. Finally, four students who successfully graduated from the PhD program Cutting Edge Microscopy (CEM) received their certificates.
As usual, this event provided plenty of opportunities for networking among the imaging community at the University of Bern. We thank all CEM students for their help in the organization, all participants for their enthusiasm for microscopy and the event sponsors for their generous financial support.
Confirmed Speakers
Annina Bindschedler, Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, UniBE
Diego Dibitetto, Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse, UniBE
Maciej Dobrzynski, Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, UniBE
Boris Egger, BioImage Core Facility, UniFR
David Haberthür, Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicinie, UniBE
Rasha Khaddaj, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicinie, UniBE
Anna Meletiou, Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, UniBE
Anna Oevermann, Departement of clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health, Vetsuisse, UniBE
Michael Raissig, Institute of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Science, UniBE
Supported by
- Abberior Instruments GmbH
- Chroma Technology GmbH
- Excelitas Technologies
- Nikon Europe B.V.
- PhD Program Cutting Edge Microscopy
